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Industrial Cooperations

  1. AI'd Forge - German-Finnish cooperation in the transfer of AI technologies to companies

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Finnish AI implementation expert Emblica, based in Helsinki, will support companies …

  2. Forscher sitzt an einem Schreibtisch mit mehreren Monitoren.

    The next level of online-search: Making complex website-information accessable via AI

    ‘Sovereign Cloud: Secure integration of business expert knowledge into large language models’ is the name of Sven Schmeier and his team's ambitious …

  3. Accenture und DFKI gründen gemeinsames "AI Partner Lab“

    Accenture, eines der weltweit führenden Beratungs-, Technologie- und Outsourcing-Unternehmen, hat zusammen mit dem Deutschen Forschungszentrum für …

  4. Presentation End-to-End Cloud based AL framework for Medical Images in April 2024.

    AI for the Cloud – DFKI and Google expand their partnership

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Google are intensifying their collaboration. With funding from Google, four new …

  5. Wegweiser KI: dpa bietet kostenloses Trainings- und Mentorship-Programm für Medienprofis an

    Anwendungen auf Basis von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) stellen einen Wendepunkt im Journalismus und in der Mediennutzung dar. Um Redaktionen in diesem …

  6. Yield Consortium: Agriculture and remote sensing from space

    The Yield consortium uses satellite data and artificial intelligence to reliably predict agricultural yields. In collaboration with BASF Digital …

  7. Mittelstand Digital Center for Retailers launches: Contact point for retailers

    On August 1, 2022, the "Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Handel" was launched, which continues the work of the previous "Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum …

  8. Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Combining research strength and integration expertise: Arvato Systems and the Smart Service Engineering research department of the German Research …

  9. Cybermapping with AI – Deutsche Bundesbank and DFKI establish collaborative research lab

    The "Cybermapping" lab explores the use of innovative artificial intelligence technologies with a focus on cyber risks in the financial sector.

  10. Hitachi presents research with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).  

    Hitachi and DFKI have been collaborating on various research projects for many years. Hitachi is now presenting joint current research with DFKI, the …