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  1. TRAILS - Trustworthy and Inclusive Machines

    Natural language processing (NLP) has demonstrated impressive performance in some human tasks. To achieve such performance, current neural models need …

  2. Data4Transparency - Data Science and NLP for transparency

    According to the World Bank and the UN, some US$1tn is paid in bribes every year. Corrupt financial transactions divert funds from legitimate public …

  3. Text2Tech - Deep Learning-based Text Mining for Technology Monitoring in the Automotive Domain

    The observation and analysis of strategic developments in the area surrounding the technology base of a company's products and services is a decisive …

  4. CORA4NLP - Co(n)textual Reasoning and Adaptation for Natural Language Processing

    Language is implicit - it omits information. Filling this information gap requires contextual inference, background- and commonsense knowledge, and …

  5. PLASS - Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    The goal of the PLASS project is the development of a prototypical B2B platform for AI-based decision support for supply chain management. The focus …

  6. BBDCII - Berliner Big Data Center


    In order to optimally prepare industry, science and the society in Germany and Europe for the global Big Data trend, highly coordinated …