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Comparative Quality Estimation for Machine Translation: Observations on machine learning and features

Eleftherios Avramidis
In: The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (PBML), Vol. 108, Pages 307-318, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 5/2017.


A deeper analysis on Comparative Quality Estimation is presented by extending the state-of-the-art methods with adequacy and grammatical features from other Quality Estimation tasks. The previously used linear method, unable to cope with the augmented features, is replaced with a boosting classifier, assisted by feature selection. The methods indicated show improved performance for 6 language pairs, when applied on the output from MT systems developed over 7 years. The improved models compete better with reference-aware metrics. Notable conclusions are reached through the examination of the contribution of the features in the models, whereas it is possible to identify common MT errors that are captured by the features. Many grammatical/fluency features have a good contribution, few adequacy features have some contribution, whereas source complexity features are of no use. The importance of many fluency and adequacy features is language-specific.


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