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Artificial Intelligence for Environment and Sustainability


  1. First Industry symposium as a milestone towards CORE IML

    The DFKI research department Interactive Machine Learning, (IML), and the department of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) at the University of …

  2. Future Lab Water starts research with Oliver Zielinski as speaker

    With the goal of making water management sustainable, resource-conserving and efficient, the new Future Lab Water has begun its work at the Center for …

  3. Saving heating demand through AI: SECAI project receives award from "Edge data economy" technology program

    Making sustainability digital - this is the guiding theme of this year's Days of Digital Technologies (TddT) from August 29th to 30th, 2022, at the …

  4. Review of the "Hackathon at Interschutz"

    Hacking for civil and disaster protection

  5. Digital bait for more IT security in mechanical engineering - IUNO Insec project completed  

    According to the German IT association Bitkom, cybercriminals caused losses of 223 billion euros at German companies in 2020. That is more than twice …

  6. Teaser Bild zum Thema „Machine Learning“. Quelle: Adobe Stock

    Workshop Anomaly and Change Point Detection

    Are you interested in the topics of "Anomaly and Change Point Detection" or are you already working in the field and looking for an opportunity to …

  7. AI for Marine Protection

    How DFKI aims to eliminate plastic waste in deep sea and on the water surface

  8. KI.Impulse - Best Practice: Nachhaltiger Wirtschaften mit Künstlicher Intelligenz

    In der Webtalk-Reihe KI.Impulse, die die Plattform Lernende Systeme veranstaltet, heißt es am kommenden Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2022: „Best Practice: …

  9. Technologie hautnah erleben bei der „Langen Nacht der Digitalisierung“ in Oldenburg

    Am 17. Juni 2022 findet in Oldenburg die „Lange Nacht der Digitalisierung“ statt. Dafür öffnen zahlreiche Oldenburger Firmen und …

  10. "Technology and the Sea - Fascination Marine Technology" - New Podcast Episode with Professor Oliver Zielinski

    In the new episode of the podcast "Technology and the Sea - Fascination with Marine Technology" by Bärbel Fening in cooperation with the Gesellschaft …




Janina Schneider
Tel.: +49 441 99833 4718

Dr. Frederic Theodor Stahl
Tel.: +49 441 99833 4713

Communications & Media:
Simone Wiegand
Tel. +49 441 99833 6612

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
DFKI Niedersachsen
Marine Perception
Marie-Curie-Str. 1
26129 Oldenburg