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Fields of Application

Financial Sector

In view of the ongoing digitalization of all economic processes, the financial sector is facing a radical change. AI technologies offer a wide range of applications in the financial sector, whether in customer business, market analysis and monitoring, system security, fraud detection or the optimization of business processes on the basis of virtually infinite data sources. Further fields of application are the testing of software and hardware, especially for high-security systems in the financial sector, or the authenticity guarantee of digital identification systems.



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  1. EASPROFIT - Agile and Post-Quantum-Secure Protocols for the Finance Industry

    Quantum computers could be able to break the asymmetric cryptographic methods currently in use by 2030, creating a need for quantum-resistant encryption standards. The financial sector faces…

  2. ML-Bau-Doc+ - Maschinelles Lernen zur Informationsextraktion im Bereich Gebäudedokumentation

    Die im Vorgängerprojekt „Maschinelles Lernen im Bereich Gebäudedokumentation (ML-BALI-DOK)"

    ( entwickelten Algorithmen ermöglichen…

  3. HumAIne - Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations

    At HumAIne, we aim to pioneer the development and integration of innovative AI paradigms. Our goal is to make human-AI collaboration not only advanced but also profoundly reliable, even in dynamic and…

  4. Data4Transparency - Data Science and NLP for transparency

    According to the World Bank and the UN, some US$1tn is paid in bribes every year. Corrupt financial transactions divert funds from legitimate public services, as well as distort free…

  5. Adra-e - AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem

    Adra-e - Supporting the AI, Data and Robotics Community in the Development of a Sustainable European Ecosystem

    Adra-e is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) funded by the European Commission under…

  6. TL Cybermapping - TransferLab Cybermapping

    Cooperation between DFKI and Deutsche Bundesbank in a transfer lab on various topics in the financial sector, e.g. the detection of errors and anomalies in financial supervisory data, the analysis of…

  7. PM4Audit - KI-Lab eurodata – DFKI

    Durchführung einer KI-gestützten Buchungssatzanalyse, mit dem Ziel, Buchungen zu unterstützen, zu bewerten bis hin diese zu automatisieren. Dazu sollen insbesondere Ansätze für die automatisierte…

  8. Smart Auditing - Smart Auditing

    Künstliche Intelligenz hat sich branchenübergreifend zu einem zentralen Treiber bei der Entwicklung von innovativen Softwarelösungen und digitalen Geschäftsmodellen entwickelt. Auch im Prüfungswesen…

  9. CLAIRE Saarland II - The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    In June 2018, the CLAIRE initiative was launched with the aim of joining forces in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe with a focus on research and innovation, sustainably strengthening and…

  10. Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 - Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios


    Universität Hannover (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover)

    Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Fakultät III: Sonderpädagogik Institut für Sonderpädagogische…