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Press Releases

  1. AI Action Summit: Europe's path to trustworthy AI

    Europe sets its course: The AI Action Summit in Paris marks a milestone for the European AI strategy and sends a strong signal. Four DFKI experts look at…

  2. Protecting against cyberattacks: Project sets new standards in IT security with formal verification and flexibility

    Cyberattacks on companies and public institutions are increasing dramatically worldwide. The PROTECT project, funded by the Cyberagentur, is developing…

  3. Live-Experiment für TV-Duelle im Wahlkampf – Machen Sie mit!

    TV-Duelle sind ein zentraler Bestandteil des Bundestagswahlkampfs und prägen die öffentliche Wahrnehmung der Kandidiatinnen und Kandidaten. Doch welche…

  4. Logo INNOVADE

    INNOVADE: Digital Democracy for a Changing World

    A new European initiative to make online civic participation secure, inclusive and effective.

  5. AI Safety Report published as a prelude to the AI Action Summit in Paris

    The final version of the International Scientific Report on the Safety of Advanced AI initiated by the British government in 2023 is published today. One of the…

  6. Künstliche Intelligenz im Fokus – Vortragsreihe der Saarbrücker Volkshochschule in Kooperation mit dem DFKI

    Welche Chancen bietet Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin? Ist autonomes Fahren eine erreichbare – und wünschenswerte – technologische Realität? Können wir…

  7. 3rd Workshop of the IQZ Kaiserslautern - Transparency in AI: From Bias Awareness to Documentation Practices

    Together with you, the team at IQZ would like to start the new year with fresh ideas! We would therefore like to invite you to the continuation of our series of…

  8. Wildlife conservation in offshore wind farms: DFKI develops autonomous underwater robot to monitor marine biodiversity

    Sustainable monitoring of the marine environment is crucial for the environmentally responsible operation of offshore wind farms and the protection of…

  9. Researchers from Oldenburg are among the winners of the $ 10 Million XPRIZE Rainforest contest

    Brazilian Team, which includes researchers from DFKI and the University of Oldenburg, developed drone and sensor technologies to collect biodiversity data from…

  10. Digital ecosystem for AI-based robotics – DFKI involved in large joint project “RoX”

    The joint project “RoX”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), was officially launched in September. The aim of the…

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

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DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen