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dfki ai next

"dfki ai next", DFKI's AI magazine, presents selected research topics, projects, trends, and innovations from the entire field of AI. Each issue is dedicated to a technology topic from DFKI's broad spectrum of research and offers insights into the state of development, possible applications, or specific use cases.

Issue 1:

Industrial AI for Sustainability

As a business-oriented AI competence center for cutting-edge research, DFKI knows and addresses the dual challenge of the twin transition. Digitalization and sustainability are being strategically combined and driven forward. In the first issue of dfki ai next, you can find out how AI solutions contribute to a more sustainable economy and how AI can be designed to be resource-saving.

ePaper "Industrial AI for Sustainability"

Highlights of the first issue

Full ePaper

Industrial AI for a Sustainable Economy

Can AI not only improve efficiency but also sustainability in production and throughout the entire life cycle of the product?

Specialist article by Dr. Christiane Plociennik

Resource-saving AI Through Energy-efficient Algorithms

Every question you ask ChatGPT has its price. Every time you develop and use AI, you leave an ecological footprint. In this interview, Wolfgang Maaß explains whether artificial intelligence can be sustainable and which indicators need to be met for this to be the case.

Edge Devices in Production

From small power guzzlers to efficient AI systems: research project FAIRe comprehensive approach for Frugal AI at the periphery