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Research Topics

Language & Text Understanding

The focal point of this topic is modeling and processing natural language. New, computer-based techniques for processing text, language and knowledge are being developed in line with the needs and requirements of the market. For example, our scientists are investigating the usability and user-friendliness of language technology systems and are designing new evaluation methods for this area.


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  1. GenKI4Media - Generative AI assistants for the media, cultural and creative sectors

    Generative AI models have made great progress in recent years and have achieved impressive results. However, these models have so far only been of limited use to SMEs, as they are not sufficiently…

  2. EYE-TEACH - Eye-tracking and AI for Enhanced Teaching

    The concept being developed relates to researching the intersection of AI, Eye Tracking, and Literacy Development/ Reading Skill Development. AI systems offer potential benefits for supporting…

  3. PABeLA - Test laboratory for the automated evaluation of LLM-based AI systems in their impact on journalism and opinion formation

    Demokratische Gesellschaften leben von der Pluralität und dem Aushandeln von Meinungen. Daher stellen potentiell vielfaltsverengende Technologien nicht nur eine abstrakte, sondern konkrete Gefahr für…

  4. NoIDLEChatGPT - No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    Das Projekt "No-IDLE meets ChatGPT" zielt darauf ab, die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei der Aktualisierung von Deep-Learning-Modellen (DL) zu verbessern, indem die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (HCI)…

  5. TRAILS - Trustworthy and Inclusive Machines

    Natural language processing (NLP) has demonstrated impressive performance in some human tasks. To achieve such performance, current neural models need to be pre-trained on huge amounts of raw text…