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Fields of Application

Smart Home & Assisted Living

A networked, intelligent home can enable everyone to live a safe, independent life and actively participate in society through innovative solutions. At the same time, smart home technologies offer potential for further useful applications. In addition to demonstrating the systems developed in cooperation with partners from research and industry, the focus is on developing innovative aspects such as systems for mobility and environmental assistance.



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  1. RIG - Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, national joint project of robotics research in Germany, coordinated by TU Munich

    The Robotics Institute Germany is an initiative by the Federal Ministry of Education and…

  2. KI4KL - KI für Kommunale Leistungen

    In Antwort auf die Ausschreibung Nr. 10/4.1-2023-0335 der Stadt Gelsenkirchen hat die Westfälische Hochschule ein Angebot „für den Aufbau und Betrieb eines Anwendungszentrums Künstliche Intelligenz…

  3. SimPROLEG - Development of an AI-supported software tool based on bio- / structural-mechanical replacement models to improve and shorten the design process of prosthetic leg sockets

    The Essentials in 30 Seconds

    The SimPROLEG project pursues the goal to improve and make the development of customized leg prosthesis sockets more efficient through AI-based simulation of the loads in…

  4. DuITeasy - Lifelong assistance platform based on an open federated data and services ecosystem and smart metering systems

    The European population is aging. New strategies, systems, and technologies are needed that use already existing data collection systems in the living environment and support a self-determined life…

  5. CASTLE - Cybersecurity Appliance to enhance the Security of Living Environments

    The aim of the planned work is to research and develop security mechanisms and tools, which will be converted into an overall architecture in order to make the digital home network environment secure.…

  6. FAIRe_RIC - Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    FAIRe aims to develop resource-limited AI for embedded systems, cyber-physical systems, and edge devices. The development approach should extend comprehensively from the application layer to the…

  7. COMET - Consumer Empowerment und Teilhabe an der Domäne Smart Living

    Die Bedeutung der Smart-Living-Domäne für die deutsche Wirtschaft wächst kontinuierlich und präsentiert sich als vielversprechender Markt. Auf Künstlicher Intelligenz basierende Smart Services haben…

  8. FAIRe - Frugal Artificial Intelligence in Resource-limited environments

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially in embedded, cyber-physical devices with limited resources and under demanding conditions.…

  9. dAIEDGE - A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge

    The dAIEDGE Network of Excellence (NoE) seeks to strengthen and support the development of the dynamic European cutting-edge AI ecosystem under the umbrella of the European AI Lighthourse and to…

  10. ForeSightNEXT - Platform for data, artificial intelligence and services in the smart living ecosystem

    ForeSightNEXT is the lead project of the "SmartLivingNEXT" technology program funded by the BMWK and is developing the technological and economic basis for the creation of a secure, trustworthy and…