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Research Topics

IT Security

More and more challenging tasks are supported or controlled by IT systems. This ongoing digitalisation is accompanied by an increased risk of cyber attacks, data theft and other manipulations. This places ever higher demands on the security, stability and reliability of systems. Like the secure modelling of suitable tools, verification and certified testing are of equal importance.


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  1. PROTECT - Proving Next Generation Secure Systems

    Cyber attacks on companies and public institutions are increasing dramatically worldwide. The PROTECT project, funded by the Cyber Agency, is developing solutions to make IT systems more resistant to…

  2. EASPROFIT - Agile and Post-Quantum-Secure Protocols for the Finance Industry

    Quantum computers could be able to break the asymmetric cryptographic methods currently in use by 2030, creating a need for quantum-resistant encryption standards. The financial sector faces…

  3. KI4KL - KI für Kommunale Leistungen

    In Antwort auf die Ausschreibung Nr. 10/4.1-2023-0335 der Stadt Gelsenkirchen hat die Westfälische Hochschule ein Angebot „für den Aufbau und Betrieb eines Anwendungszentrums Künstliche Intelligenz…

  4. DI-OCDCPro - Open source chip design infrastructure as a learning and competition platform for students and young talents

    In order to strengthen the innovation ecosystem for chip design in Germany and to attract more young people to the important field of semiconductor development and chip design, the DI-OCDCpro project…

  5. CASTLE - Cybersecurity Appliance to enhance the Security of Living Environments

    The aim of the planned work is to research and develop security mechanisms and tools, which will be converted into an overall architecture in order to make the digital home network environment secure.…