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News Overview

Displaying results 61 to 70 of 145.
  1. Hannover Messe 2020 cancelled – Construction continues on our demonstrator

    Hannover Messe 2020 cancelled – Construction continues on our demonstrator

    Corona cripples the economy. Deutsche Messe Group responds: Hannover Messe cancelled for 2020. Next date for the trade fair: 2021. Since 2014, ...

  2. SmartFactory-KL: New demonstrator shows flexible module integration in the industrial production environment of tomorrow

    Modular and flexible production is a vision of the future. The exchange of modules in an industrial environment requires a lot of time and effort, ...

  3. Künstliche Intelligenz in Niedersachsen – Ministerpräsident Weil besucht DFKI-Labor

    Künstliche Intelligenz in Niedersachsen – Ministerpräsident Weil besucht DFKI-Labor

    Wie gestaltet sich die digitale Transformation, wo werden KI- und Big-Data-Anwendungen bereits genutzt? Zu diesen Fragen informierte sich der ...

  4. New Demonstrator / Update Industrie 4.0: Production Level 4

    New Demonstrator / Update Industrie 4.0: Production Level 4

    • New demonstrator features new system architecture, exchangeable modules, and Gaia-X

    • Production Level 4 is a further development of Industrie 4.0 …

  5. Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    Project CoPDA: DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen teaches dynamic knowledge to robots for a better human-machine interaction

    People generally know which objects they call theirs and which they do not. For machines, however, changing functions of objects present an …

  6. Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster receives honorary doctorate from the Czech Technical University in Prague

    Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster receives honorary doctorate from the Czech Technical University in Prague

    On 21 January 2020, an honorary doctorate was awarded to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster in the venerable Bethlehem Chapel of …

  7. German Expert on Industry 4.0 will lead RICAIP Centre of Excellence at CIIRC CTU in Prague with a budget of EUR 48,2 mil.

    German Expert on Industry 4.0 will lead RICAIP Centre of Excellence at CIIRC CTU in Prague with a budget of EUR 48,2 mil.

    From January 2020, the newly established RICAIP Centre (Research and Innovation Centre on Advanced Industrial Production) at the Czech Institute …

  8. AI in Production – Project AIRPoRT promotes German-Japanese Innovations
  9. 5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G and AI – Synergy in the Digital Age

    5G is more than a fast cellular connection. 5G is a key technology in the age of digital networks. In combination with artificial intelligence, new ...

  10. SmartFactory-KL introduces new demonstrator layout at SPS

    SmartFactory-KL introduces new demonstrator layout at SPS

    SmartFactory-KL is introducing its new demonstrator plans for the Hannover Messe 2020 for the first time at SPS (Smart Production Solutions Trade ...