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News Overview

Displaying results 41 to 50 of 145.
  1. Shailza Jolly is up for election as AI newcomer – vote now!

    Shailza Jolly is up for election as AI newcomer – vote now!

    DFKI/TUK PhD student Shailza Jolly is up for election as AI Newcomer 2021 of the GI and BMBF AI Camp in the computer science category.

  2. Agri-Gaia: Strong alliance of companies develops open AI standard for agriculture based on GAIA-X

    Agri-Gaia: Strong alliance of companies develops open AI standard for agriculture based on GAIA-X

    Digitization and artificial intelligence (AI) play a key role in addressing the many challenges facing agriculture. In order to make use of the ...

  3. Annika Nassal ist Preisträgerin beim Bundeswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz
  4. TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    TreeSatAI - Artificial Intelligence with Earth Observation and Multi-Source Geodata for Infrastructure, Nature and Forest Monitoring

    The goal of the TreeSatAI project is the development of artificial intelligence methods for the monitoring of forests and tree populations at …

  5. KI gegen das Verbrechen – BKA, LKA und DFKI starten Forschungskooperation

    KI gegen das Verbrechen – BKA, LKA und DFKI starten Forschungskooperation

    Das Bundeskriminalamt und das Landeskriminalamt Rheinland-Pfalz wollen sich im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz eng mit Wissenschaft und …

  6. Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Sichere Datennutzung in der Landwirtschaft

    Forschungsprojekt Smarte Daten Smarte Dienste (SDSD) erfolgreich abgeschlossen

  7. AI for biopharmaceutical production – Sartorius a new shareholder in DFKI

    AI for biopharmaceutical production – Sartorius a new shareholder in DFKI

    Sartorius has joined the group of shareholders of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). The Göttingen-based life science ...

  8. Smart City: Tegel Projekt agrees for Berlin TXL cooperation with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern

    Smart City: Tegel Projekt agrees for Berlin TXL cooperation with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern

    Berlin / Kaiserslautern – The city state of Berlin, represented by Tegel Projekt GmbH, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence …

  9. NVIDIA ships latest AI system – NVIDIA DGX A100 – DFKI one of the world’s first early adopters
  10. How effective are contact restrictions to fight corona?

    How effective are contact restrictions to fight corona?

    Scientists for business informatics at the DFKI and the University of Trier use artificial intelligence to simulate pandemic scenarios. …