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Smart City: Tegel Projekt agrees for Berlin TXL cooperation with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern

| Press release | Trade & Logistics | Mobility | Smart Home & Assisted Living | Environment & Energy | Data Management & Analysis | Smart Data & Knowledge Services | Kaiserslautern | Berlin

Berlin / Kaiserslautern – The city state of Berlin, represented by Tegel Projekt GmbH, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the City of Kaiserslautern today signed a declaration of intent to jointly advance urban data management. The aim is to cooperate in the construction and operation of data platforms and to develop reproducible solutions. The project starts at the end of August.

aerial view of the area in berlin© Tegel Projekt GmbH / Macina

Following the closure of Berlin-Tegel Airport, TXL - The Ur-ban Tech Republic, a research and industrial park for urban technologies, is being built on the Berlin TXL site. Here, solutions for the challenges of tomorrow's city will be developed in the future, for which purpose a future-oriented, networked digital infrastructure will be established. This includes the construction and operation of a powerful IT platform that integrates all urban data.

"Data plays a fundamental role in smart neighborhoods such as Berlin TXL and will form the basis of our environmental monitoring or energy and rainwater management, for example. The IT platform also serves as a basis for innovation for new services and business cases," says Prof. Dr. Philipp Bouteiller, Managing Director of Tegel Projekt GmbH. "We are very much looking forward to the exchange of experience and knowledge with DFKI and the City of Kaiserslautern in order to work together on an exemplary reference for modern Smart Cities".

Dr. Klaus Weichel, Lord Mayor of the City of Kaiserslautern: "The protection of our citizens' privacy must be the top priority even in the digital world. Kaiserslautern has firmly integrated the ‚herzlich digital' model - people are always at the center of all digitization projects - into its actions and for this reason prioritizes the protection of citizens' privacy.  This is why we want to work together with our partners on digital solutions that not only protect the environment but also enable efficient and secure management of urban data.

Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger, Managing Director of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence: "DFKI has been working successfully for decades at the interface between public and private companies. Within the framework of Berlin TXL, we want to apply our solution competence in the area of highly complex systems and the expertise of our Smart City Living Lab to a field that is becoming increasingly important: complex urban data that will become the basis for the efficient and secure control of tomorrow's city“.

Dr. Martin Memmel, scientist in the Research Department Smart Data and Knowledge Services and head of the DFKI SmartCity Living Lab: "Modern, sustainable urban development involves the networking of all relevant players and sources of knowledge in order to be able to plan and implement measures for climate protection and intelligent resource management, for example. The ambitious BerlinTXL project offers the opportunity to jointly explore how urban data management can be used sensibly and systematically to gain insights for further Smart City projects.

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Press contact:

Christian Heyer

Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation , DFKI Kaiserslautern