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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 19.
  1. AZUBOT – Lernen mit Performanz-Assessment und KI-Assistenz

    AZUBOT – Lernen mit Performanz-Assessment und KI-Assistenz

    Challenge Professional wastewater disposal plays a central role for health and the environment. Despite this enormous importance, the profession of …

  2. NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    Das Projekt "No-IDLE meets ChatGPT" zielt darauf ab, die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei der Aktualisierung von Deep-Learning-Modellen (DL) zu …

  3. Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    Luminous – Language Augmentation for Humanverse

    LUMINOUS aims at the creation of the next generation of Language Augmented XR systems, where natural language-based communication and Multimodal Large …

  4. StereOFF – Automatisierte Identifikation und Analyse von Geschlechterstereotypen

    StereOFF – Automatisierte Identifikation und Analyse von Geschlechterstereotypen

    Geschlechterstereotype sind eine der Hauptursachen für Geschlechterungleichheiten. Diese Herausforderung möchte StereOFF angehen. …

  5. AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 – AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 is an interdisciplinary CATALPA project

    AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 – AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0 is an interdisciplinary CATALPA project

    When searching for a term paper topic in the Bachelor's program, many students need assistance. Thereby stands out that recurring questions and …

  6. news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    news-polygraph – Privacy, transparency, bias-free, trustworthy multimodal disinformation fighting

    In the news-polygraph project, we are developing digital methods for the media industry, with the help of which multimedia content can be checked more …

  7. No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of specific and narrow tasks such as some aspects of image recognition or decision …

  8. DAM-S – Semantische Suche für das "Meere Online"-Portal der Deutschen Allianz Meeresforschung

    DAM-S – Semantische Suche für das "Meere Online"-Portal der Deutschen Allianz Meeresforschung

    Entwicklung einer semantischen, KI-gestützten Suchfunktion für das Portal "Meere Online" für die Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM)

  9. ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    ToHyVe – Toolbox für Hybride Veranstaltungsformate

    The changes in business communications triggered by the COVID 19 crisis will be lasting. Companies have learned that a large proportion of meetings …

  10. SDE – Smart Dialogue Engine - AI model for controlling the dialog behavior of digital telephone assistants

    SDE – Smart Dialogue Engine - AI model for controlling the dialog behavior of digital telephone assistants

    The aim of the project is to research an AI model (Smart Dialogue Engine, SDE) that better adapts the dialogue behavior (course, choice of words, …