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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 58.
  1. FunKI – Artificial intelligence enhanced radio communication

    FunKI – Artificial intelligence enhanced radio communication

    The overall objective of FunKI is the development and testing of adaptive communication systems that use existing resources efficiently and …

  2. Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Partners Universität Hannover (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover) Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Fakultät III: Sonderpädagogik …

  3. KI-Trainer – KI-Trainer: Ideenwettbewerb KI für KMU im Netzwerk Mittelstand 4.0

    KI-Trainer – KI-Trainer: Ideenwettbewerb KI für KMU im Netzwerk Mittelstand 4.0

    Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist eine der Schlüsseltechnologien des digitalen Wandels. Für die Industrie gilt sie als neuer Wachstumsmotor, für die …

  4. LiDARshared – Vernetzter LiDAR-Bus zum sicheren autonomen Einsatz im Shared Space

    LiDARshared – Vernetzter LiDAR-Bus zum sicheren autonomen Einsatz im Shared Space

    The project works on the AI-based development of a technology for the safety and accident prevention of autonomous vehicles by using LiDAR sensors on …

  5. ExplAINN – Explainable AI and Neural Networks

    ExplAINN – Explainable AI and Neural Networks

    Despite astonishing progress in the field of Machine Learning (ML), the robustness of high-performance models, especially the ones based on Deep …

  6. EDeL – Efficient Data Processing for Deep Learning

    EDeL – Efficient Data Processing for Deep Learning

    The astonishing speed of developments in deep learning, especially in the field of computer vision, is largely based on the availability of …

  7. VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    The aim of the VerSys project is to develop a consistent platform for early software development based on RISC-V technology, an instruction set …

  8. PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    PLASS – Platform for Analytical Supply Chain Management Services

    The goal of the PLASS project is the development of a prototypical B2B platform for AI-based decision support for supply chain management. The focus …

  9. AI4EU – A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem

    AI4EU – A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem

    AI4EU is the European Union’s landmark Artificial Intelligence project, which seeks to develop a European AI ecosystem, bringing together the …

  10. HeadSense – Adaptive, Multimodal Sensing with Unobtrusive Head Mounted Devices

    HeadSense – Adaptive, Multimodal Sensing with Unobtrusive Head Mounted Devices

    Complex head/face-based devices will become increasingly suitable for use in everyday situations in the future due to a combination of changing …