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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 609.
  1. Martin Treiblmayr; Simon Scheider; Antonio Krüger; Marc von der Linden

    Integrating GI with non-GI services -- showcasing interoperability in a heterogeneous service-oriented architecture

    In: GeoInformatica, Vol. 16, No. 1, Pages 207-220, Springer, 1/2012.

  2. Thomas Burkhart; Benjamin Weis; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    Towards Process-Oriented Recommender Capabilities in Flexible Process Environments - State of the Art

    In: Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-2012), 45th, …

  3. Markus Löchtefeld; Sven Gehring; Antonio Krüger

    Distributed User Interfaces for Projector Phones

    In: Jose A Gallud; Ricardo Tesoriero; Victor M.R. Penichet. Distributed User Interfaces: Designing Interfaces for the Distributed Ecosystem. Chapter …

  4. Angela Mahr; Frank Mast

    Task-Driven System Exploration Enhances Subsequent Instruction Effects: Testing the Applied simTD Vehicle-to-x Human Machine Interface

    In: ICTTP International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology - Abstract Book. ICTTP International Conference on Traffic and Transport …

  5. Christian Bade; Diersen Paul; Doil Fabian; Dreyer Daniel; Hamadou Mehdi; Henze Arnim; Herfs Werner; Hildebrand Axel; Hoffmeyer Andreas; Jundt Eduard; Koriath Dirk; Mackowiak Jan; Mast Melf; Möhring Mathias; Özdemir Denis; Rabätje Ralf; Rautenberg Ulrich; Riedel Michael; Scheer Fabian; Schmidt Holger; Scholz Johannes; René Schubotz; Staack Ingo; Stein Stefan; Wohlgemuth Wolfgang

    Anwendungen in Design, Konstruktion und Planung

    In: Werner Schreiber; Peter Zimmermann. Virtuelle Techniken im industriellen Umfeld. Pages 149-212, ISBN 9783642206351 9783642206368, Springer, …

  6. René Schubotz; Andreas Harth

    Towards Networked Linked Data-Driven Web3D Applications.

    In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture. Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture (Dec3D-12), …

  7. Dirk Werth; Andreas Emrich; Alexandra Theobalt

    An Architecture Proposal for User-Generated Mobile Services

    In: Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Intelligent Computing (MUSIC), 2012 Third FTRA International Conference on. FTRA International Conference on Mobile, …

  8. Sönke Knoch; Alexandra Theobalt; Andreas Emrich; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    A Context-Aware Running Route Recommender Learning from User Histories Using Artificial Neural Networks

    In: Giovanni Semeraro; Marco de Gemmis; Pasquale Lops; Markus Zanker (Hrsg.). 23. International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications - …

  9. Alexandra Theobalt; Sönke Knoch; Frederik Leonhardt; Lyubomir Ganev; Andreas Emrich; Marc Gräßle; Dirk Werth; Peter Loos

    Personalized and context-aware recommendation of running routes

    presented as poster at ECIS 2012, AIS Electronic Library, 2012.

  10. Boris Feodoroff; Alexandra Theobalt; Michael Schlicker; Alexander Schmitt; Horst Walter; Volker Stützinger

    MENTORbike - Intelligent and Automated Training Support with a Pedelec

    In: Malina Jordanova; Frank Lievens (Hrsg.). Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources. The International eHealth, Telemedicine and …