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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 13443.
  1. Improving Disease Detection from Social Media Text via Self-Augmentation and Contrastive Learning

    In: 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2024), December 2-6, New Zealand, Springer Nature, 2025.

  2. FARAD: Automated Formal Verification of Approximate Restoring Array Dividers

    In: 38th International Conference on VLSI Design. International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID-2025), January 4-8, Bangalore, India, 2025.

  3. Sajjad Parvin; Chandan Kumar Jha; Frank Sill Torres; Rolf Drechsler

    True-PolyTronik: Securing Circuits Against Laser Logic State Imaging Attack Using RFET

    In: 38th International Conference on VLSI Design. International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID-2025), January 4-8, Bengaluru, India, 2025.

  4. Mohamed Nadeem; Chandan Kumar Jha; Rolf Drechsler

    Polynomial Formal Verification of Sequential Circuits using Weighted-AIGs

    In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE). Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-2025), March 31 - April 2, Lyon, France, 2025.

  5. Ruidi Qiu; Grace Li Zhang; Rolf Drechsler; Ulf Schlichtmann; Bing Li

    CorrectBench: Automatic Testbench Generation with Functional Self-Correction using LLMs for HDL Design

    In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE). Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-2025), March 31 - April 2, 2025.

  6. FrEDDY: Modular and Efficient Framework to Engineer Decision Diagrams Yourself

    In: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE). Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE-2025), March 31 - April 2, Lyon, France, 2025.

  7. Look Ahead Optimization for Managing Nullspace in Cartesian Impedance Control of Dual-Arm Robots

    In: Look Ahead Optimization for Managing Nullspace in Cartesian Impedance Control of Dual-Arm Robots. IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII-2025), 17th International Symposium on System Integrations, January 21-24, Munich, Germany, IEEE Xplore, 1/2025.

  8. Investigating the Configurability of LLMs for the Generation of Knowledge Work Datasets

    In: ICAART 2025. International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2025), International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, February 23-25, Porto, Portugal, 2025.

  9. ArgueMapper Assistant: Interactive Argument Mining Using Generative Language Models

    In: Max Bramer; Frederic Stahl (Hrsg.). Artificial Intelligence XLI. SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2024), 44th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, December 17-19, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Pages 189-203, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 15446, ISBN 978-3-031-77915-2, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2025.

  10. Enhancing Entity Recommendation for Personal Information Assistance Using LLM-based Adaptive Relevance Prediction

    In: Information Management. International Conference on Information Management (ICIM-2025), located at 11th International Conference on Information Management, March 28-30, London, United Kingdom, Springer CCIS series Conference Proceedings, 3/2025.