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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 84.
  1. EXPLAIN – Expertengestütztes Toolset zur entwicklungsbegleitenden Erstellung von Trainingsmedien im Product Life Cycle in Industrieunternehmen

    EXPLAIN – Expertengestütztes Toolset zur entwicklungsbegleitenden Erstellung von Trainingsmedien im Product Life Cycle in Industrieunternehmen

    Ausgangssituation: Heute werden Schulungsmaßnahmen in deutschen und europäischen Unternehmen meis-tens noch klassisch durchgeführt, ohne den Einsatz …

  2. FUCUS – Fuzzy-Customizing
  3. RMK – Referenzmodellierung mit Referenzmodellkatalogen
  4. eJustice – eJustice - Towards a global security and visibility framework for Justice in Europe

    eJustice – eJustice - Towards a global security and visibility framework for Justice in Europe

    Partners One North East (GB), Bundesverfassungsgericht (D), Bundeskanzleramt (A), Greffe du tribunal de commerce de Paris (F), …

  5. ATHENA – Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of Heterogenous Enterprise Networks and their Applications

    ATHENA – Advanced Technologies for Interoperability of Heterogenous Enterprise Networks and their Applications

    One of the trends in the global market is the increasing collaboration among enterprises. Organisations are transforming themselves into "networked …

  6. RefMod06 – Referenzmodellierung 2006

    RefMod06 – Referenzmodellierung 2006

    The aim of the project RefMod06 is to develop a modeling technique for small and medium software companies to derive, administer and further develop …

  7. RAFEG – Referenzarchitektur für E-Government

    RAFEG – Referenzarchitektur für E-Government

    (Projektbeschreibung Englisch) Partners TU Chemnitz; NHConsult GmbH; Regierungspräsidium Leipzig; Projektträger im DLR;

  8. PROLEARN – Network of Excellence in Professional Learning

    PROLEARN – Network of Excellence in Professional Learning

    PROLEARN is a Network of Excellence financed by the IST (Information Society Technology) programme of the European commission dealing with technology …

  9. P2E2 – Peer-to-Peer Enterprise Environment

    P2E2 – Peer-to-Peer Enterprise Environment

    The objective of the project P2E2 - Peer-to-Peer Enterprise Environment is the creation of an integrated framework and the development of a softwsare …

  10. ArKoS – Architektur Kollaborativer Szenarien

    ArKoS – Architektur Kollaborativer Szenarien

    The research project ArKoS deals with the development of an architecture for the management of collaborative scenarios consisting of methods, a tool …