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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 23.
  1. Emonymous – Emonymous

    Emonymous – Emonymous

    Interactive intelligent speech technologies are conquering our homes. In the Emonymous project, we are pursuing the goal of completely anonymizing a …

  2. KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA – Knowledge-Enhanced information Extraction across languages for PHArmacovigilance

    KEEPHA is a trilateral DFG Project, together with partners from France (LIMSI/LISN) and Japan (NAIST, NII, RIKEN). The present project aims to design …

  3. XAINES – Explaining AI with Narratives

    XAINES – Explaining AI with Narratives

    In the XAINES project, the aim is not only to ensure explainability, but also to provide explanations (narratives). The central question is whether AI …

  4. SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    SmartVigilance – Regulatorische Compliance durch KI-basierte Umfeldüberwachung in der Medizintechnik

    Hersteller von Medizinprodukten unterliegen strengen Regulierungen hinsichtlich der Sicherheit ihrer Produkte. Regulierungen betreffen sowohl die …

  5. ASCAPE – Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

    ASCAPE – Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

    The project objective is to take advantage of the advances in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support cancer patients’ …

  6. vALID – Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Decision-Making in the Clinic: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges

    vALID – Artificial-Intelligence-Driven Decision-Making in the Clinic: Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges

    AI is on everyone’s lips. Applications of AI are becoming increasingly relevant in the field of clinical decision-making. While many of the …

  7. ELG – European Language Grid

    ELG – European Language Grid

    With 24 official EU and many more additional languages, multilingualism in Europe and an inclusive Digital Single Market can only be enabled through …

  8. Reklamation 4.0 – Reklamation 4.0 - Datengetriebene Verbesserung des Reklamationsmanagements im Kontext von Industrie 4.0

    Reklamation 4.0 – Reklamation 4.0 - Datengetriebene Verbesserung des Reklamationsmanagements im Kontext von Industrie 4.0

    Reklamationen fertiger Produkte stellen für produzierende Unternehmen eine große Herausforderung dar. Einerseits sind sie ein großer Kostenfaktor, …

  9. BigMedilytics – Big Data for Medical Analytics

    BigMedilytics – Big Data for Medical Analytics

    The EU's BigMedilytics project aims to significantly increase healthcare productivity through the adoption of big-data technologies while reducing …

  10. CoMem – Corporate Memory

    CoMem – Corporate Memory

    CoMem is an ecosystem based on evolving knowledge graphs integrating information silos and legacy systems as well as (personal) information sources of …