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Project | ASCAPE

Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

The project objective is to take advantage of the advances in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support cancer patients’ quality of life and health status. To this end, it will create an open AI infrastructure enabling health stakeholders (hospitals, research institutions, companies, etc.) to deploy and execute AI algorithms locally on their private data. Any new knowledge produced by this process can be shared while the medical data still remains private. The services to be designed, piloted and deployed include intelligent interventions for physiological and psychological support, improved patient and family counselling and guidance, early diagnosis and forecasts of ill-health, identification of disease trajectories and relapse, improved health literacy etc. ASCAPE focuses the training of the AI in two types of cancer, breast and prostate.


  • Gioumpitek Meleti Schediasmos Ylopoiisi Kai Polisi Ergon Pliroforikis Etaireia Periorismenis
  • Efthynis, Greece
  • ATOS Spain
  • Siemens SRL, Romania
  • INTRASOFT International, Luxembourg
  • Panepistimio Patron, Greece
  • Idryma Technologias Kai Erevnas, Greece
  • SPHYNX Technology Solutions AG, Switzerland
  • University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Serbia
  • CareAcross, UK
  • Ethniko Kai Kapodistriako Panepistimio Athinon, Greece
  • Fundacio Clinic Per A La Recerca Biomedica, Spain
  • Orebro Lans Landsting, Sweden
  • Arthur's Legal BV, The Netherlands
  • Fundacion Isys Internet Salud y Sociedad, Spain

Contact Person

Dr.-Ing. Serge Autexier


All publications
  1. Synergies Among Health Data Projects with Cancer Use Cases based on Health Standards

    Amelie Gyrard; Philip Gribbon; Rada Hussein; Somayeh Abedian; Luis Marti Bonmati; Gibi Luisa Caborner; George Manias; Gabriel Danciu; Stefano Dalmiani; Serge Autexier; Rick van Nuland; Mario Jendrosse; Ioannis Avramidis; Eva Garcia Alvarez

    In: John Mantas; Arie Hasman (Hrsg.). Proceedings 34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE 2024). Medical Informatics Europe Congress (MIE-2024), Athens, Greece, Pages 1292-1296, Studies in Health Technol, Vol. 316, IOS Press, 8/2024.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union


SC1-DTH-01-2019: Big data and Artificial Intelligence for monitoring health status and quality of life after the cancer treatment

EU - European Union