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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 12.
  1. Cyber-AG-RSML – Cyberagentur: Robustes und Sicheres Machine Learning

    Cyber-AG-RSML – Cyberagentur: Robustes und Sicheres Machine Learning

    Forschung und Entwicklung von Ansätzen hinsichtlich robustem und sicherem Machine Learning für sicherheits- und verteidigungsrelevante Einsatzsysteme

  2. MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM is a research project dedicated to TRUSTED-AI, which aims to advance the development and application of artificial intelligence by …

  3. ML-Synthom – Fertigungsnahes Maschinelles Lernen für die Automobilzuliefererindustrie durch synthetische Generierung von Oberflächen und Materialien

    ML-Synthom – Fertigungsnahes Maschinelles Lernen für die Automobilzuliefererindustrie durch synthetische Generierung von Oberflächen und Materialien

    Ensuring industrial quality through new research The ML-SYNTHOM project is developing an AI-based test procedure for quality assurance for new types …

  4. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  5. KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    KAI – AI-supported assistant for interior development

    Within the framework of the research project "AI-supported assistant for interior development" (KAI), a development tool is to be created that uses AI …

  6. QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    In the sub-project QAICO (Quantum AI for Coordination and Cooperation) of the joint project QAI2 (Quantum AI for Automotive Industry), DFKI is …

  7. PRIME – Predictive Rendering in Manifacture and Engineering

    PRIME – Predictive Rendering in Manifacture and Engineering

    The PRIME project stands for Predictive Rendering in Manufacture and Engineering and aims to establish an innovative training network where PhD …

  8. FORESIGHT-Umsetzungsphase_SU – Plattform für kontextsensitive, intelligente und vorausschauende Smart Living Services in der Umsetzung

    FORESIGHT-Umsetzungsphase_SU – Plattform für kontextsensitive, intelligente und vorausschauende Smart Living Services in der Umsetzung

    The ForeSight project idea emerged from the Smart Living business initiative. The aim of the project is to make a significant contribution to the …

  9. InterConnect – Europaweite Pilotprojekte mit über 50 Partnern aus elf Ländern - Gebäude und Stromnetze wachsen digital zusammen

    InterConnect – Europaweite Pilotprojekte mit über 50 Partnern aus elf Ländern - Gebäude und Stromnetze wachsen digital zusammen

    This Europe-wide project is working on the intelligent networking of buildings, smart homes and electricity grids. The various objectives include …

  10. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …