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Displaying results 21 to 30 of 39.
  1. CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    CLAIRE Saarland II – The CLAIRE Saarland Project

    In June 2018, the CLAIRE initiative was launched with the aim of joining forces in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe with a focus on …

  2. SensAI – Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories

    SensAI – Self-organizing Personal Knowledge Assistants in Evolving Corporate Memories

    Potentials Knowledge Graphs (KGs) get an increased interest in research and industry to represent data, information and knowledge from various sources …

  3. Infinity – Artificial Intelligence and advanced big Data Analytics for Law Enforcement Agencies

    Infinity – Artificial Intelligence and advanced big Data Analytics for Law Enforcement Agencies

    The ambition of the project INFINITY is to become a flagship project against society’s most pressing cybercriminal, terrorist and hybrid threats. …

  4. ePA-Coach – Digitale Souveränität in Spiegel der elektronischen Patientenakte - informationelle Selbstbestimmung und Patienten - Empowerment -

    ePA-Coach – Digitale Souveränität in Spiegel der elektronischen Patientenakte - informationelle Selbstbestimmung und Patienten - Empowerment -

    Spätestens ab dem 01.01.2021 müssen die Krankenkassen ihren Versicherten eine elektronische Patientenakte (ePA) zur freiwilligen Nutzung anbieten. …

  5. Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Managed_Forgetting_Phase_2 – Sustaining Grass-roots Organizational Memories: Methods and Effects of Applying Managed Forgetting in Administrative Corporate Scenarios

    Partners Universität Hannover (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover) Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Fakultät III: Sonderpädagogik …

  6. ChiM – Chatbot in the Museum

    ChiM – Chatbot in the Museum

    Until today, audio or media guides accompany exhibition visits and offer explanations for museum objects. The CHIM project aims to develop a learning, …

  7. MindBot – Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0

    MindBot – Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0

    MindBot aims at identifying methods and implementing solutions for promoting good mental health in the emerging industry 4.0 within the specific …

  8. CLEVER – CLEVER - Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Entwicklung kompetenzorientierter Inhalte auf Basis einer cloudbasierten Software-Lösung

    CLEVER – CLEVER - Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Entwicklung kompetenzorientierter Inhalte auf Basis einer cloudbasierten Software-Lösung

    Die digitale Zukunft des Lernens - Was wie ein Traum klingt, soll jetzt Realität werden: Mit einer zu entwickelnden Software sollen sich zukünftig …

  9. KI-Campus – AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence

    KI-Campus – AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence

    At the center of the three-year project is the prototypical development of a digital learning platform specializing in the field of artificial …

  10. GeAR – Gelingensbedingungen und Grundsatzfragen von Augmented Reality in experimentellen Lehr-Lernszenarien

    GeAR – Gelingensbedingungen und Grundsatzfragen von Augmented Reality in experimentellen Lehr-Lernszenarien

    In Augmented Reality the real world is extended by additional information. Already common areas of application are navigation or the transmission of …