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Project | GeAR

Gelingensbedingungen und Grundsatzfragen von Augmented Reality in experimentellen Lehr-Lernszenarien

Gelingensbedingungen und Grundsatzfragen von Augmented Reality in experimentellen Lehr-Lernszenarien

In Augmented Reality the real world is extended by additional information. Already common areas of application are navigation or the transmission of sports events such as football or ski jumping. Augmented reality (AR) can also change learning at school. However, the opportunities offered by these innovative technologies for learning have so far been little explored.

The joint project of Saarland University, Kaiserslautern University of Technology and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence is dedicated to the diverse applications of the new technologies in schools and investigates to what extent learning with elements of augmented reality makes specific demands on learners or simplifies learning and improves success. The project investigates, among other things, the usability and usability of future-oriented and currently available AR media in school-related contexts and with the involvement of pupils of different age groups. Furthermore, the behaviour of learners in dealing with AR and the success factors for the use of AR in schools will be investigated.

The innovative research project provides insights into learning with AR. The right didactic teaching concepts should provide the basis for the further development of the use of future AR media in school-based teaching and learning processes for pupils and teachers. Furthermore, the findings also offer AR media in other application areas that will be of high relevance in the future, such as in the medical technology field or for the cooperation of spatially separated teams to use or develop.


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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research