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Project | KI-Campus

AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence

AI Campus – The Learning Platform for Artificial Intelligence

At the center of the three-year project is the prototypical development of a digital learning platform specializing in the field of artificial intelligence. This platform is particularly designed for students of various disciplines, but also for employees and other lifelong learners. The aim is to counteract the acute shortage of qualified workers and to strengthen the public's informed approach to the topic of artificial intelligence.

In order to provide high-quality learning resources, DFKI produces several in-house courses. Further learning offers on the AI Campus are realized in the context of competitions and cooperations. The basis for all learning offers on the platform is a catalog of contents and a framework of "AI-competence" developed by DFKI. This ensures that all learning offers fit into a demand-oriented curriculum and provide high-quality content. The modules developed within the scope of this catalog follow a structure that builds on one another and are designed to impart basic skills, domain-specific skills (e.g. AI in medicine) and interdisciplinary skills (e.g. ethical and legal issues).

DFKI is also developing several AI-based functionalities and applications that enable a personalized and adaptive learning experience as well as a multi-modal interface that enables mobile and conversational interaction with the platform.

All learning offers created and technologies used on the AI Campus follow the principle of openness of resources and source codes.


  • Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e. V. (Koordinator) - NEOCOSMO GmbH - mmb Institut - Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI)


Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research