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Good scientific practice

Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy science. It is a form of scientific self-commitment that encompasses the respectful treatment of each other, study participants, animals, cultural assets and the environment and strengthens and promotes society's indispensable trust in science. The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science is inextricably linked to a corresponding responsibility.

As a leading business-oriented research institution for artificial intelligence, DFKI expects its scientific staff to adhere to established standards of good scientific practice. Violations of these standards can not only destroy the reputation of the responsible employees, but also severely damage the reputation of DFKI.

To ensure good scientific practice and to deal with scientific misconduct, DFKI has adopted a policy and created structures and points of contact.

Policy for ensuring good scientific practice

DFKI has published a policy based on the code of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for ensuring good research practice. The policy summarises the central standards of good scientific practice and describes the procedure in the event of non-compliance. All DFKI employees are obliged to base their scientific work on these rules and to actively contribute to the prevention of scientific misconduct.

Ombudspersons at DFKI

DFKI has appointed ombudspersons to whom all employees can turn with questions regarding good scientific practice and suspected scientific misconduct. The ombudspersons advise as neutral and qualified contact persons and contribute, as far as possible, to solution-oriented conflict mediation. They accept requests while maintaining confidentiality and, if necessary, forward suspected cases of scientific misconduct to the responsible office for investigation..


Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Head of Research Department Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
Phone: +49 421 218 63932

Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf
Head of Research Department Neuro-Mechanistic Modeling (NMM)
Phone: +49 681 85775 5586

The German Research Ombudsman

The German Research Ombudsman is a committee appointed by the German Research Foundation (Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) that assists all scientists and researchers in Germany when it comes to questions and conflicts related to good research practice (GRP) and scientific integrity.
DFKI employees are free to contact either one of DFKI's ombudspersons or the “The German Research Ombudsman”.


Ombudspersons DFKI

Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Head of Research Department Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)
Phone: +49 421 218 63932

Prof. Dr. Verena Wolf
Head of Research Department Neuro-Mechanistische Modellierung (NMM)
Phone: +49 681 85775 5586