The Competence Center AI for Environment and Sustainability (DFKI4planet) bundles the expert knowledge of different DFKI research departments applying Artificial Intelligence focusing on sustainability and the preservation of our planet.
"Our society is facing the challenge of finding fast and efficient solutions for major problems such as climate change, marine pollution, extreme storms, food shortages, increasing world population and global disease outbreaks. With this background, it is essential that the "tool” AI is used as effectively as possible to protect the environment and climate, and to support sustainability."
DFKI's application-oriented research can be used in many ways to protect the environment and climate. AI-based methods are applied for
The DFKI4planet competence center is an ideal hub for knowledge transfer and the development of new fields of application. It is the central point of contact for interested scientists, project partners, environmental organizations, companies, politicians and authorities.
How sustainable are AI systems and how can they themselves become more resource efficient? The podcast talks about this in this episode of 'Mission Energiewende'. In the interview, DFKI scientist Daphne Theodorakopoulos and Sami Nenno from the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society give concrete examples.
How sustainable are AI systems? Episode in German language only from 14 May 2024
Dr Christiane Plociennik, senior researcher at DFKI Kaiserslautern and the Smart Factory, and DFKI4planet Director Dr Frederic Theodor Stahl, who is responsible for the Marine Perception research department at DFKI Niedersachsen, explain why data is the raw material for new AI models and what influence AI has on the circular economy in companies.
Episode 115 (in German language): How does AI bring more sustainability to companies? (08.12.23)
Dr Aljoscha Burchardt kicks off the new series of topics on AI in the "Grüner geht immer" podcast. The language technology expert and principal researcher at DFKI Berlin sheds light on Artificial Intelligence from many angles and explains why AI can be sustainable.
Episode 046 (in German language): Can artificial intelligence be sustainable? (27.10.23)
The scientist and coordinator of DFKI4planet, Janina Schneider, and the journalist Simone Wiegand are colleagues at DFKI Niedersachsen. Together they talk about why they are involved in the DFKI4planet competence centre and how they believe AI can help make the world a little greener.
Episode 054 (in German language): Real solutions for the climate through AI (1) (05.01.24)
Episode 055 (in German language): Real solutions for the climate through AI (2) (12.1.24)
Janina Schneider
Tel.: +49 441 99833 4718
Dr. Frederic Theodor Stahl
Tel.: +49 441 99833 4713
Communications & Media:
Simone Wiegand
Tel. +49 441 99833 6612