The development and implementation of new information technologies is becoming increasingly important in the digital transformation of public ...
On Friday, November 5, 2021, the kick-off ceremony for the 25th edition of the Consulting advanced training program took place in the auditorium …
What is the potential of AI technologies for small and medium-sized enterprises? Can AI be used practically and profitably in manual production ...
Until October 18, graduates and students of all disciplines can apply for the one-semester continuing education program in consulting at Saarland ...
In the QURATOR project, ten partners are working on making curation techniques more valuable and efficient through automation. In IT experts’ …
Der Digitaltag wird getragen von der Initiative „Digital für alle“, einem Bündnis von mehr als 25 Organisationen aus den Bereichen …
Unternehmen der Textilbranche stehen im Zuge der Digitalisierung und Globalisierung vor der Herausforderung, ihre Prozesse zu professionalisieren. …
Trier/Kaiserslautern – How do measures affect pandemic response at the municipal level? - In the AScore project, an expert system is being …
Namensartikel im Handelsblatt Journal von Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler, in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Benjamin van Giffen und Prof. Dr. Walter Brenner, ...
- SmartFactoryKL developing Shared Production
- Production Level 4 demonstrator – first production unit connected to GAIA-X