DFKI's Interactive Machine Learning research department has received two grants to further its research in the field of medicine (see also ...
How can virtual reality (VR) be experienced haptically, i.e., through the sense of touch? This is one of the fundamental questions that modern VR ...
Deepfakes represent a serious challenge that raises both technological and societal questions. Researchers at the German Research Centre for ...
Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke hat heute das diesjährige Green-AI Hub Forum in Berlin eröffnet, auf dem zehn mittelständische Unternehmen ...
Prof Kristian Kersting was elected a Fellow by the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA). The award recognises his outstanding ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices …
Radiologists benefit from Artificial Intelligence in diagnostic support. Employees in multilingual, transnational companies are delighted with the ...
Joint project by DFKI and Inria aims to make brain-computer interfaces suitable for everyday use.
Clinical surgery grequires great precision, years of experience, specialised knowledge and the highest level of concentration on the part of the ...
Under the title "Digital Transformation in Times of Change. Sustainable. Resilient. Future-oriented.", the annual Digital Summit (Digital-Gipfel) …