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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 4 of 4.
  1. Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    Viewing the world through human eyes: DFKI-Technology shows robots how it's done

    How can we teach organic visual orientation to machines? That is exactly what scientists at the German Research Centre of Artificial Intelligence ...

  2. FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    FAZ-D:Economy-Podcast: Wie wälzt Künstliche Intelligenz die Landwirtschaft um, Herr Hertzberg?

    Podcast-Sendung mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Hertzberg vom 06.10.2023. Von Alexander Armbruster.

  3. “Digitalization in Natural Sciences”: State of Lower Saxony funds five research projects in Oldenburg

    “Digitalization in Natural Sciences”: State of Lower Saxony funds five research projects in Oldenburg

    Four times marine sciences, one time quantum physics: As part of the programme "Digitalization in Natural Sciences", the State Ministry of Science of ...

  4. HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    HumanE-AI-Net: AI that understands humans 

    A European network, which aims to develop human-centered AI with ethical values, has been launched under the leadership of DFKI.