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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 5 of 5.
  1. AI for the Cloud – DFKI and Google expand their partnership

    AI for the Cloud – DFKI and Google expand their partnership

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and Google are intensifying their collaboration. With funding from Google, four new ...

  2. Innovation Quarter Oldenburg: Partners present plans for IQON

    Innovation Quarter Oldenburg: Partners present plans for IQON

    At today's neighbourhood day 100 years after the topping-out ceremony of the "Alte Fleiwa" in Oldenburg - once Europe's largest meat products factory ...

  3. Technologie hautnah erleben bei der „Langen Nacht der Digitalisierung“ in Oldenburg

    Technologie hautnah erleben bei der „Langen Nacht der Digitalisierung“ in Oldenburg

    Am 17. Juni 2022 findet in Oldenburg die „Lange Nacht der Digitalisierung“ statt. Dafür öffnen zahlreiche Oldenburger Firmen und ...

  4. DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen is completed: Interactive Machine Learning research department opens in Oldenburg

    The DFKI Laboratory Niedersachsen continues its growth: With the new, fourth research department Interactive Machine Learning (IML), Prof. Dr.-Ing. ...

  5. University of Oldenburg: Endowed professorship for Artificial Intelligence is filled