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Displaying results 1 to 3 of 3.
  1. The EU Council Presidency Translator - Machine Translation for All

    The EU Council Presidency Translator - Machine Translation for All

    Looking back at the end of the German EU Presidency 2020: With the goal to overcome language barriers and make it easier for people to communicate, ...

  2. German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    Languages are a key part of our European identity and culture. Linguistic diversity is supported and celebrated as part of the EU’s motto “United in ...

  3. Sprachen sind nicht bloß Folgen von Wörtern

    Online-Übersetzungssysteme lernen Sprachen, indem sie große Mengen von mehrsprachigen Texten mit statistischen Lernverfahren verarbeiten. Dabei ...