Small parts can cause big problems. Worn or defective components in industrial plants can bring an entire production process to a standstill. But ...
Food production is a complex process involving the monitoring of raw materials, supply chains, market prices and much more besides. Access to …
No raw materials due to the corona pandemic, the collapse of supply chains due to low water in rivers, or a production stoppage caused by a …
Production companies struggle with disruptions every day. These can be external disturbances, such as delays in logistics, raw material shortages, …
WZL, TIME und DFKI kooperieren in neuem Forschungsprojekt über Resilienz in der Produktionstechnik.
The Cognitive Manufacturing Lab (CML) is a research environment jointly supported by the Chair of Manufacturing Technology at the Laboratory for ...
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was established in 1999 with the mission of harmonizing and coordinating anti-doping programs at an …
Auf dem neuen CEBIT Business Festival für Innovation und Digitalisierung präsentiert das DFKI vom 12. bis 15. Juni 2018 „Künstliche Intelligenz …
Das DFKI beteiligt sich auch 2016 am Infotag der Universität des Saarlandes am Samstag, 9. Juli und stellt von 10:00 - 14:00 Uhr Forschungsthemen …