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News Overview

Displaying results 21 to 30 of 191.
  1. BaSynaos - Intelligent Fusion of Intralogistics and Production in the Factory of the Future

    BaSynaos - Intelligent Fusion of Intralogistics and Production in the Factory of the Future

    After a two-year runtime, SYNAOS GmbH and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) successfully completed the satellite …

  2. Paving the way for long-term missions on the moon: European team of autonomous robots explores lava cave in Lanzarote

    Paving the way for long-term missions on the moon: European team of autonomous robots explores lava cave in Lanzarote

    As potential locations for future base camps, the lava caves on the moon are of great interest. But how can they be reached and explored? This has ...

  3. SCIENCE GOES PUBLIC in Bremer Kneipen: DFKI-Forschende geben Einblicke in die faszinierende Welt der Robotik
  4. Germany's centre for agritech is located in Osnabrück; € 50 million for AI in European agriculture

    Germany's centre for agritech is located in Osnabrück; € 50 million for AI in European agriculture

    Osnabrück has long been considered a major player in the digitalisation of agriculture and food production. Now the three institutions consisting …

  5. Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Praxis-Pilotprojekte zur autonomen Dekontamination: Kompetenzzentrum ROBDEKON startet in neue Phase

    Roboter sollen möglichst autonom Altlasten sanieren sowie beim Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen und der Bergung von Gefahrstoffen unterstützen – …

  6. Von der Reha in die Raumfahrt: DFKI präsentiert Exoskelett zur Simulation von Schwerelosigkeit auf der Digital Health Conference 2022

    Von der Reha in die Raumfahrt: DFKI präsentiert Exoskelett zur Simulation von Schwerelosigkeit auf der Digital Health Conference 2022

    Exoskelette bergen nicht nur für die medizinische Rehabilitation großes Potenzial. Auch Anwendungen in der Raumfahrt profitieren von der …

  7. ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    ROBDEKON: Practical system solutions at the end of the competence center’s first funding phase

    Robots should perform decontamination tasks as independently as possible in environments that are hostile to humans, e.g. in the remediation of ...

  8. 20,000 euros for a household robot? – Prof. Jan Peters in an expert interview

    20,000 euros for a household robot? – Prof. Jan Peters in an expert interview

    What are the challenges of autonomous intelligent systems, why can robots and humans learn so much from each other when playing table tennis and …

  9. Invitation to DFKI Twitter Space "AI for Environmental Protection" on Thursday, October 13, 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. (CET)

    Invitation to DFKI Twitter Space "AI for Environmental Protection" on Thursday, October 13, 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. (CET)

    The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) invites you to its first AI Twitter Space. Spaces are a format for live audio ...

  10. Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    Cutting-edge AI research out of Bremen continues to grow - DFKI celebrates new building with numerous guests and open laboratories

    More space for artificial intelligence: In the presence of numerous honorary guests from politics, industry and science, the German Research …