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News Overview

Displaying results 21 to 30 of 149.
  1. What actually are DeepFakes, Prof. Krüger?

    What actually are DeepFakes, Prof. Krüger?

    There is currently a lot of talk in the media about so-called DeepFakes, i.e., content manipulated with the help of artificial intelligence. In …

  2. VivaTech 2022 in Paris – First joint trade fair appearance by DFKI and Inria

    VivaTech 2022 in Paris – First joint trade fair appearance by DFKI and Inria

    The cooperation between Inria and DFKI had its trade fair premiere at VivaTech 2022: In a tandem, the two research organizations presented …

  3. Leading European Stakeholders Discussed Aspects of AI for Future Manufacturing by Invitation of the Network of AI Research Excellence Centres TAILOR

    Leading European Stakeholders Discussed Aspects of AI for Future Manufacturing by Invitation of the Network of AI Research Excellence Centres TAILOR

    On the 10th of May 2022, the fourth joint so-called "Theme Development Workshop" (TDW) focused on the latest trends and challenges of "AI for …

  4. DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    DFKI beim Digitaltag 2022

    Wenn Künstliche Intelligenz bei Diagnosen mitdenkt oder wie aus Pferden Zebras werden. Was ist eine „intelligente“ Wursttheke und wie denkt …

  5. DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    From June 15 to 18, 2022, France and Germany will present future European digital champions in the French-German Tech Lab at the Vivatechnology ...

  6. DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    After two years as a digital event, Saarland University's Open Day will be held in attendance mode on Saturday, May 21, 2022. DFKI will also be ...

  7. Europe's largest testbed for distributed manufacturing launched by CIIRC and DFKI

    Europe's largest testbed for distributed manufacturing launched by CIIRC and DFKI

    On 28 April 2022, the largest decentralized German-Czech testbed for distributed production in the paradigm of Industry 4.0 was inaugurated at the ...

  8. SpeechTrans4Kita – mithilfe von innovativer Sprachtechnologie Kommunikationsbarrieren überwinden

    SpeechTrans4Kita – mithilfe von innovativer Sprachtechnologie Kommunikationsbarrieren überwinden

    Sprachbarrieren gehören zum Alltag vieler pädagogischer Einrichtungen und erschweren häufig den Beziehungsaufbau zwischen dem Fachpersonal und …

  9. Ausgezeichnet: CHIM - Chatbots im Museum

    Ausgezeichnet: CHIM - Chatbots im Museum

    Das DFKI-Projekt „CHIM - Chatbot im Museum“ wurde auf der internationalen Konferenz der Europäischen Allianz für Innovation (EAI) ArtsIT, ...

  10. Autonomous underwater maintenance: project consortium presents powerful IT infrastructure for ground-breaking dual-arm AUV

    Autonomous underwater maintenance: project consortium presents powerful IT infrastructure for ground-breaking dual-arm AUV

    Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), operated and controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) methods, inspect, maintain, and repair offshore ...