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Press Releases

  1. Always one shot ahead: B-Human wins the RoboCup World Championship in Bordeaux for the tenth time

    76 goals and not a single goal conceded – this is the impressive result of the Bremen robot soccer players at RoboCup 2023, the world's largest …

  2. Kick-off event KI-Kompass Inklusiv in Berlin

    Under the motto "AI and Inclusion", the kick-off event of the KI-Kompass Inklusiv project took place on June 2, 2023. The goal is to establish a …

  3. Project closing event in Berlin of SPAICER - Scalable Adaptive Production Systems through AI-based Resilience Optimization

    After three years, SPAICER will celebrate its successful conclusion with an event on June 23, 2023 at Spreespeicher in Berlin. The research project, …

  4. Ticking time bombs on the seabed: DFKI develops innovative AI technologies for autonomous robots to recover munitions

    More than one million tons of munitions dumped in the North and Baltic Seas during and after the two world wars posing a threat to both humans and the …

  5. DFKI develops AI systems for the airborne detection of plastic waste - comprehensive inventory of larger marine areas as a long-term goal

    Aircraft that routinely fly over bodies of water around the world to monitor pollution could in future not only detect oil and chemical spills on the …

  6. Das AKRIMA-Team bei den gemeinsamen Workshoptagen in Lübeck

    AKRIMA-Kongress 2023 präsentiert interaktives KI-Dashboard für Krisenmonitoring

    Das AKRIMA-Projekt, ein Automatisches Adaptives Krisenmonitoring und -managementsystem, lädt Partner aus Forschung und Industrie zu einem Kongress …

  7. Von der virtuellen Realität in die Produktionshalle – DFKI Saarbrücken lädt zum Tag der offenen Tür

    Durch ein virtuelles Illusionsmuseum schlendern, in die Welt des Quantencomputing eintauchen, mit einer VR-Brille ein Hochhaus erklimmen, autonomes …

  8. CSIS AI Council White Paper on global AI Governance ahead of G7 Summit in Japan

    The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) AI Council today released a landmark report on advancing the global governance of artificial …

  9. EU Sharespace project for radically new XR technology

    How could humans use digital avatars in the near future? How can we engage in social situations that include both human and automated avatars? And …

Corporate Communication

DFKI Kaiserslautern

DFKI Saarbrücken

DFKI Bremen

DFKI Berlin

DFKI Niedersachsen