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| Learning & Education | Educational Technology Lab | Berlin

Digitalization, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing the working world.

They offer opportunities such as spatial and temporal flexibility, better work-life balance, relief from monotonous, physically demanding activities - and create new professions and tasks. AI has become the driver of digitization in recent years and increasingly represents a key technology for value creation in the future and is of particular importance in this context.


At the same time, digitization and the associated structural change of the economy, labor market, and society pose major challenges. AI technologies are penetrating occupational fields in which humans were considered irreplaceable years ago and are therefore increasingly shaping not only production, but also the modern working world. Industries affected by job losses are different from those in which new jobs will be created.

AI knowledge and training center

The AI knowledge and training center (KI-Wissens- und Weiterbildungszentrum, KIWW) addresses the question of how these challenges can be met both in a socially acceptable manner and in terms of securing employment. Thus, it works closely with relevant stakeholders and contributes to raising awareness of the use of AI systems, where the focus is always on humans. In doing so, the KIWW supports the regional Future Centers in Western Germany and Berlin and the Center for Digital Work in their tasks and provides its findings to the BMAS and the German Observatory Artificial Intelligence in Work and Society (Kl-Observatory).

"Based on social partnership approach KIWW pursues the goal of generating knowledge on AI systems in diverse business areas and disseminating it broadly to the field. Companies, especially SMEs, need practical, scientifically based solutions to cope with digital and demographic change" explains Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart, Head of the DFKI Research Area Educational Technology Lab at DFKI in Berlin.

New AI knowledge pool

Against this background, the KIWW is building a supra-regional, online knowledge pool on human-centered Kl systems and their participative and co-creative introduction and application in companies, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. The new KI knowledge pool is available now at

About the KI Knowledge and Further Education Center

The KI Knowledge and Further Education Center (KIWW) project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as part of the "Zukunftszentren (KI)" (‘future centers (AI)’) program. It is implemented by the following consortium partners:

German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) (consortium leader).

Arbeit und Leben Berlin-Brandenburg DGB/VHS e.V. (AuL),

The Demography Network e.V. (ddn)

Institute for Vocational Education and Training GmbH (IFBB)




Press contact:

Andreas Schepers, M.A.

Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation, DFKI Berlin