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Sovereign platform – secure data: DataHub Europe launched

| Press release | Knowledge & Business Intelligence | Data Management & Analysis | Foundations of Systems AI

Schwarz Digits and Deutsche Bahn announce the founding of DataHub Europe with strong media and AI partners – including DFKI.

A group photo of all participating project partners with Minister Wissing on a stage at the Digital Summit 2024.© DFKI, Valentina Röther
Group photo of the participating project partners with Digital Minister Dr Volker Wissing. The DFKI is represented by Prof Dr Antonio Krüger and Prof Dr Kristian Kersting.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger, CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

“Trustworthiness and compatibility with European values can be a key success factor for AI made in Europe. With the DataHub, we offer a platform to promote high-quality, data-protection-compliant and secure data spaces and make them available to industry. This will create a legally secure framework for leveraging the social and economic potential of artificial intelligence for Germany and Europe, while at the same time contributing to technological sovereignty and international competitiveness.”

Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger, CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

With DataHub Europe, the participating project-partners have created a platform that collects, processes and curates data from industry and the media landscape. This high-quality data is made available to partners to train AI models in a secure infrastructure. The aim is to introduce company-specific AI solutions quickly, securely and beneficially as 'real tools' in a wide range of business applications.

Schwarz Digits, the IT and digital division of the Schwarz Group, and Deutsche Bahn AG announced the launch of the DataHub Europe platform at the German government's Digital Summit 2024. With DataHub Europe, the participating companies have created a platform that collects, processes and curates data from industry and media. This high-quality data will be made available to industry partners to train AI models in a secure infrastructure. The aim is to introduce company-specific AI solutions quickly, securely and beneficially as 'real tools' in a wide range of business applications.

Dr Volker Wissing, Federal Minister for Digital and Transport: “The DataHub Europe closes a crucial gap in the EU by providing high-quality data for AI training. German companies and stakeholders have once again proven that we can combine innovation and execution. This is creating an exciting ecosystem and a much-needed data platform that will take the training of AI models for our industry to the next level. I hope that this cooperation will bear fruit and that many more partners will follow this example and join in to actively shape Europe's digital future.”

Numerous partners from industry, technology, science and the media work together in the DataHub Europe: Data partners from industry and media companies, including Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and DvH Medien (Wirtschaftswoche and Handelsblatt), make their data available. Clearly defined rules and mechanisms ensure that this sensitive data is only used for specific purposes. ‘AI made in Europe" therefore means not only technological excellence, but also that data partners retain sovereignty over their data and are assured that their data will be handled securely and trustworthily. The platform and AI partners Aleph Alpha, STACKIT, the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Technical University of Darmstadt / hessian.AI, enable the training of models and the development and implementation of AI applications on the sovereign platform.

Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting, Lead of Research Department Foundations of Systems AI at DFKI

‘The DataHub provides high-quality, legally compliant data and thus a foundation for the training and evaluation of AI models. Our results show that the performance of large language models (LLMs) for the German-speaking area can be significantly improved by using the DataHub.’

Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting, Lead of Research Department Foundations of Systems AI at DFKI

Businesses, the public sector and academic institutions can unlock the value of this transparent data platform without compromising privacy or sovereignty over their data. Legal requirements such as the GDPR, the EU AI Act and copyright law are complied with. DataHub Europe thus promotes the right of self-determination of rights holders and makes an important contribution to strengthening digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe.


Dr Daniela Gerd tom Markotten, Board Member for Digitalization and Technology at Deutsche Bahn: “As part of the critical infrastructure and a state-owned company, we have a special social responsibility and see it as our task to help shape and drive forward the digital sovereignty of Germany and Europe. The DataHub Europe enables us to process data in a protected European infrastructure. This allows us to integrate AI applications into our everyday work as useful and legally secure tools. At the same time, we benefit from the data and expertise of the partners in the ecosystem and can jointly develop even more powerful AI solutions. AI makes us more efficient both in administration and in rail operations and thus makes an important contribution to our restructuring programme, S3'.”

Example: AuditGPT enables partial automation of audit work

As part of the German government's Digital Summit, the companies involved presented one of the first applications to Chancellor Olaf Scholz: AuditGPT. It will enable auditors to carry out their work more efficiently, systematically and quickly. An audit involves checking and monitoring whether all processes, regulations and guidelines in a company are being adhered to. The results are summarised in a confidential report. AuditGPT simplifies audit work and standardises the creation of audit reports across different disciplines. This frees up staff to focus on other activities and increases efficiency in a secure, privacy-compliant environment. AuditGPT is being piloted at Deutsche Bahn AG and the Schwarz Group.

Christian Müller, Co-CEO Schwarz Digits, the IT and digital division of Schwarz Group: “At Schwarz Digits, we are already applying AI in many areas of the business. For example, we use AI to optimise supply chains, automate product descriptions and reduce the workload of our administrative colleagues. It is important that we store, manage and process our data securely and in accordance with data protection regulations. That is why we have developed our own STACKIT cloud, which we also offer to other companies and public sector organisations. The data centres are located in Germany and the data never leaves the European legal area. With DataHub Europe, we are using this maximum level of data sovereignty to build a European data platform for AI value creation together with Deutsche Bahn. The DataHub Europe connects rights holders, technology companies and customers to drive the development of sovereign AI solutions in line with the European AI strategy.”

DataHub Europe is thus positioning itself as a key player in European AI, coordinating the collaboration between its own platform, AI and data partners and customers from business, academia and the public sector. In this way, DataHub Europe aims to act as a catalyst for the development of sovereign, powerful and trustworthy AI applications in the European language area. The initiators and partners of DataHub Europe are thus making a significant contribution to strengthening Europe's competitiveness and productivity.

Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs: “Data is the new gold. The high quality of data in our publishing houses and companies is particularly important for sovereignty in the age of AI. What is crucial here is secure and efficient use, which is the basis for AI training, evaluation and security. It is important that AI is not only researched in Germany, but that a significant part of the AI value chain takes place here.”

Jonas Andrulis, Founder & CEO Aleph Alpha: “The DataHub is a key to the treasure trove of untapped data potential in Europe, helping us to train AI models with high-quality and legally compliant data. Rights and data owners, who previously lacked a sovereign platform to leverage their content, can now benefit from the value created by AI. For users and owners of this data, this creates a platform for collaboration that guarantees long-term stability and security.”

Jörg Bienert, CEO German AI Association: “A secure, sovereign and generally available data platform is a core element for the development of powerful AI models. As the German AI Association, we welcome the initiative of this powerful consortium and see it as an important contribution to promoting innovation in AI in Germany.”