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On International Women's Day: MOOC research for gender equality

| Smart Enterprise Engineering | Osnabrück / Oldenburg

Today is International Women's Day! An ideal opportunity to introduce you to Lorena Göritz and her research. With her recent study 'Overcome the gender gap: analysing massive open online courses through the lens of stereotype threat theory', she and her colleagues show how online IT courses can be designed to be inclusive - to improve the representation of women in computer science.

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) make knowledge more accessible and democratise it. Many see this as an opportunity to improve the representation of women in computing. But even here, there are barriers to gender equality. A team of researchers led by Lorena Göritz from DFKI Niedersachsen has now taken a closer look at MOOCs as a learning environment. The results of the study 'Overcoming the gender gap: analysing massive open online courses through the lens of stereotype threat theory' show that change is possible. To deliver gender equitable MOOCs, managers should focus on inclusive communication and representation, designing supportive learning environments, and implementing high-quality, bias-conscious pedagogical practices.

More details can be found in the study.

Press contact:

Valentina Röther, M.A.

Communications & Media, DFKI Darmstadt