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Focus on the future of small and medium-sized businesses: Smart Enterprise 2023 in Osnabrück

| Smart Enterprise Engineering | Osnabrück / Oldenburg

Digital transformation and the role of artificial intelligence for companies in the small and medium-sized businesses (SME) sector will be the focus of the first Smart Enterprise, which will take place in Osnabrück on 16 November 2023. This groundbreaking conference concept, created by experts from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the University of Osnabrück, addresses key questions and challenges arising from the rapid development of digital technologies.

Digital transformation and the role of artificial intelligence for companies in the small and medium-sized businesses (SME) sector will be the focus of the first Smart Enterprise, which will take place in Osnabrück on 16 November 2023. This groundbreaking conference concept, created by experts from the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the University of Osnabrück, addresses key questions and challenges arising from the rapid development of digital technologies.

The event promises an in-depth examination of the effects and potentials, but also the risks, associated with the use of artificial intelligence. Renowned representatives from well-known companies such as BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics, CLAAS, Scopevisio AG, HARTING, Fuchs Gewürze, Otto Group and many more are expected as high-profile speakers to share their expertise and experiences.

Targeted at C-level executives and those responsible for digital transformation, Smart Enterprise 2023 offers a wide range of discussions, expert presentations and networking opportunities. Under the leitmotif "Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence as Success Factors for Companies", the conference will highlight forward-looking areas such as Smart Products, Smart Services, Smart Systems and Smart Logistics.

The patronage of Lower Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs, Olaf Lies, underlines the importance and relevance of this groundbreaking event, which is aimed in particular at the SME region of Osnabrück and Lower Saxony. Participants can expect not only an impressive programme of lectures, but also an accompanying exhibition that makes the motto "AI to touch'' tangible by means of live demonstrations.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, Head of the DFKI research department Smart Enterprise Engineering

"Smart Enterprise offers a unique opportunity to explore the opportunities and challenges in the context of digital transformation and to learn from leading experts in this field. It promises a fascinating mix of knowledge transfer, insights into successful transformation processes and interactive discussion sessions."

Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas, Head of the DFKI research department Smart Enterprise Engineering

The organisers cordially invite all interested parties to attend this groundbreaking event and learn about the latest developments and best practices in an inspiring environment. More information about the speakers, the topics and registration is available on the official website

Smart Enterprise 2023 marks the beginning of a new chapter for SME businesses and provides a platform for sharing, networking and exploring forward-looking technologies.


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