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Project | 5G-Agrar

5G Nachhaltige Agrarwirtschaft

5G Nachhaltige Agrarwirtschaft

The expansion of 5G opens new possibilities in the use of IoT (Internet of Things) and artificial intelligence in agriculture. The „5G Sustainable Agriculture“ project is launching a model test for the use of these technologies for the intelligent networking of individual businesses along the agricultural value chain.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the transformation of the agricultural industry to sustainable, digitized processes in a model way.

For this purpose, 5G networks are being set up on agricultural test farms, camera and sensor systems are being installed in pig and poultry fattening barns, and fertilizer application vehicles are being equipped with NIR (near infrared) sensors. In addition, a data infrastructure is being implemented that, combined with AI technologies, will enable optimization of processes along the entire value chain.

Through the camera and sensor systems used, data on individual animals can be collected and precise statements on their condition can be made. The NIR sensors enable real-time analysis of the nutrient composition of the fertilizer to be applied. This enables farmers to take more targeted measures and make more sustainable decisions to improve animal welfare and use resources such as feed or fertilizer more efficiently.

DFKI is involved in the development of a GAIA-X compliant system architecture for data management and the development of necessary interfaces.


• Landkreis Vechta • Wissenschaftliche Koordinierungsstelle Transformationsforschung Agrar Niedersachsen • Georg-August-Universität Göttingen • Hochschule Osnabrück • Universität Osnabrück • Agrar- und Ernährungsforum Oldenburger Münsterland e. V. (AEF) • Big Dutchman AG • Böseler Goldschmaus GmbH & Co. KG • Brand Qualitätsfleisch GmbH & Co. KG • BWE-Brüterei Weser-Ems GmbH & Co. KG (PHW-Gruppe) • Erzeugergemeinschaft für Qualitätsvieh im Oldenburger Münsterland eG • Josef Kotte Landtechnik GmbH & Co. KG • Kreislandvolkverband Vechta e. V. • Naturdünger-Verwertungs GmbH • VetVise GmbH


BMVI - Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure


BMVI - Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure