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Project | 5G-CANKRIN


5G-Campusnetze für kritische Infrastrukturen

Since pumps are often part of critical infrastructure, it is important to minimize their downtime. For this reason, additive sensing and predictive maintenance methods are used to Optimize maintenance intervals and prevent unexpected failures. Cloud and edge computing as well as artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) serve as key technologies, but require further research. In order to subsequently integrate the required sensors into existing production systems, so-called “brownfield” systems, radio technologies are preferably used in order to save costs for subsequent cabling. Mobile radio has advantages compared to other radio technologies because different profiles (URLLC, MMTC and eMBB) can be used and a wide range of use cases can therefore be covered. For this reason, 5G and in the future 6G play key roles in communication and sensor networks of digitized industrial plants. Since industry and the manufacturing sector can only effectively counter the currently rapidly increasing international competitive pressure through constant innovations while simultaneously increasing efficiency, the 5G-CANKRIN project is investigating possibilities for increasing both availability and efficiency. Furthermore, the increased relevance through the use of wireless technologies in industrial plants offers an increased attack surface in the area of ​​cyber crime. The use of campus networks also brings advantages in the area of ​​cybersecurity. The remaining, very specific attack vectors are being analyzed as part of the 5G-CANKRIN project.


  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
  • comlet Verteilte Systeme GmbH


Funding Authorities

BMDV - Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport


BMDV - Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport