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Project | ADaMus


Automatische Datenauswertung mit Mustererkennung

Application fields

  • Other

Components manufactured for the aerospace industry must meet the highest quality and safety requirements. Often, highly complex and sophisticated manufacturing processes are used for this purpose, which are correspondingly error-prone and thus cost-intensive. Together with the company nebumind, DFKI has set itself the goal of developing data-based tools that enable productions to achieve greater process stability. AI-supported analyses are intended, on the one hand, to monitor production processes more effectively and, on the other, to accelerate downstream quality inspection. The AI tools are being developed using the Friction Stir Welding process as an example, but are transferable to other web-related manufacturing processes, such as welding, bonding or fiber deposition processes.


Nebumind GmbH

Funding Authorities

BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action


BMWK - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action