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Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

Accellerating digital transformation in europe by Intelligent NETwork automation - Automated Network Telecom Infrastructure with inteLLigent Autonomous Systems

The AI-NET sub-project AI-NET-ANTILLAS focusses on the development of infrastructure elements for automated telecommunication networks to make them suitable for use cases in industries and autonomous driving. It is not sufficient enough to only change the network management layer. Network elements and their subsystems themselves have to be enhanced with such functions. An example is the seemless integration of transmission systems and their components into the automated environments of telecommunication and datacenter provider. Security, privacy and integrity are important features of modern networks. It is planned to develop interfaces and methods to guarentee the needed automated and cross-layered security. Additionally, new methods for optical communication on the physical layer are being developed. The focus is on the usage of AI-based methods to enhance the communication technological quality and the implementation of common methods in regards to non-functional properties like flexibility, re-configurability, energy consumption, latency and throughput.



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Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research


BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research