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Project | AILHA

AI enhanced Litter Harvester

AI enhanced Litter Harvester


The AILHA – AI enhanced Litter Harvester project aims to clean litter from the world's waters and returning the raw materials to the circular economy, e.g. through on-site recycling processes. For this purpose, the three project partners BERKY GmbH, everwave GmbH and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) have joined forces to develop a technology for onsite waste assessment, get it into trial use and protect the environment from the dangers of plastic pollution.

This project is intended to lay an important foundation by (i) providing the necessary technical, scalable and cost-efficient solutions, based on systems already tested in the market and (ii) bringing the topic of waste recovery from water bodies more into the international public eye in order to support local stakeholders in the affected regions in establishing solutions.


  • Berky GmbH
  • everwave GmbH


Berky GmbH