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Project | CREMA

Cloud-based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing

Cloud-based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing

Flexible Industrial Production with XaaS and Cloud Computing

On the 1st of January 2015, the European research project CREMA (Cloud-based Rapid Elastic Manufacturing) started within the research program H2020 Factory of the Future. CREMA aims at simplifying the establishment, management, adaptation, and monitoring of dynamic, cross-organisational manufacturing processes based on the principles of Cloud manufacturing. Cloud manufacturing combines cloud computing and XaaS (Everything-as-a-service) in order to facilitate an extremely flexible and resource-efficient coordination of service-based manufacturing processes in distributed and dynamic environments. For this purpose, all physical and digital components of manufacturing processes are represented and coordinated as services in a cloud infrastructure. CREMA will develop innovative means for modeling, configuring, optimizing, executing and monitoring service-based manufacturing processes in the cloud. The CREMA framework for end-to-end support of Cloud manufacturing will be demonstrated in real manufacturing environments of the metal processing and automotive industries. In CREMA, the ASR research team for intelligent information systems (I2S) at DFKI in Saarbruecken performs research and development of the semantic CREMA data model library, and scalable means for dynamic adaptation and optimization of service-based manufacturing processes in the cloud at runtime.


ASCORA, Tenneco-Walker, Fagor Arrasate, Goizper, Ubisense, Ikerlan, TANet, DotNetIT, DFKI, TU Wien


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Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

H2020 Factory-of-the-Future

EU - European Union