The D-SPIN project is the German complementary project to the ESFRI Project "CLARIN". A main goal of D-SPIN consists in the development of a eScience infrastructure for linguistic resources. Compared to CLARIN the focus on D-SPIN lies in making available linguistic resources mainly to researchers involved in the "Humanities", and training for the younger researchers in the discovery and use of linguistic resources is an important aspect. Furthermore, the project will dedicate efforts for the categorisation of specific German language resources.
One of the main contribution of DFKI will consist in adapting its information portal on Language Technology World (see
- Universität Tübingen
- IDS Mannheim
- BBAW Berlin Brandenburg
- MPI für Psycholinguistik Nijmegen
- Universität Frankfurt,
- Universität Gießen
- DFKI (Sprachtechnologie), Saarbrücken
- Universität Stuttgart
- Universität Leipzig