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Project | DIGITbrain

Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)


DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program to give SMEs easy access to digital twins.

A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, system or process that simulates its physical attributes in the real-world in real time. By collecting data from its physical counterpart, manufacturers are enabled to streamline the manufacturing process and make predictions with regard to machine failures or maintenance needs.

Compared to the digital twin concept, which is increasingly used by manufacturing companies today, the DIGITbrain concept will go one step further by developing the Digital Product Brain which will store data throughout the entire life cycle of a production line or a machine. By collecting all this data, it will be possible to customise and set-up machines/production assets for very specific manufacturing tasks whenever needed. This will enable a new manufacturing model, called Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS), which will allow for on-demand production of much more specialised products, even in smaller quantities and still in an economically profitable way.

The ambition of the DIGITbrain project is centred around two areas that will enable innovative use cases. On the one hand, the project realises an ambitious technological vision by developing the Digital Brain concept and its enabling technologies. On the other hand, it assures that these technological advances are taken up by a critical mass in the manufacturing sector, especially by SMEs and mid-caps, resulting in the smart business model Manufacturing as a Service, facilitated by a network of interconnected Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). Finally, the technology and business centred ambitions are enabling innovative use cases to be co-created and implemented in over 20 application experiments (to be added in two Open Calls).

The DIGITbrain Project has started on 1st July 2020 and is composed by a consortium of 36 partners. During its lifetime it will attract further 35-40 collaborators in two Open Calls for experiments, mainly technology and manufacturing SMEs. The EU project will be funded for three and a half years within the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (under grant agreement number 952071) by the European Commission with a budget of 8.34 million euros.

In its role, DFKI develops the concepts and tools for creating and applying ML algorithms in the DIGITbrain platform (Algorithm as a Service (AaaS)).


• Ciaotech Srl (PNO), Spain • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. Igd, Germany • Clesgo GmbH, Germany • The University of Westminster Lbg, Uk • Szamitastechnikai Es Automatizalasi Kutatointezet (SZTAKI), Hungary • Atos Information Technology GmbH, Germany • Consenses GmbH (CNS), Germany • Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), Switzerland • Cloudsme UG, Germany • Aarhus Universitet, Denmark • TTS Technology Transfer Systems Srl, Italy • Stichting EGI, Netherlands • The University of Nottingham, UK • Instituto Tecnologico De Aragon (ITAINNOVA), Spain • Enide Solutions S.L, Spain • Stam Srl, Italy • Innomine Digital Innovation Hub Nonprofit Kft (Innomine), Hungary • START4.0, Italy • Fundacion Corporacion Tecnologica De Andalucia, Spain • Irish Manufacturing Research Company Limited by Guarantee (IMR), Ireland • 3D-Medlab (3DML), France • Agro Intelligence Aps (AI), Denmark • Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio Sr (TAU), Finland • Montimage Eurl (MI), France • Prirodno-Matematicki Fakultet Kragujevac (FSUKG), Serbia • DSS Consulting Informatikai Es Tanacsado Kft (DSS), Hungary • Caadex Kft (Caadex), Hungary • Universitatea Lucian Blaga Din Sibiu (ULBS), Romania • Gigant Italia Srl, Italy • Nxtcontrol GmbH, Austria • Fratelli Piacenza S.P.A., Spain • Porini International Lda, Portugal • Domina Srl, Italy • Croom Precision Tooling Limited, Ireland • Inyecciones Montañana S. A. (INYMON), Spain


  1. Industrial digitalization in the industry 4.0 era: Classification, reuse and authoring of digital models on Digital Twin platforms

    Valentina Zambrano; Johannes Mueller-Roemer; Michael Sandberg; Prasad Talasila; Davide Zanin; Peter Gorm Larsen; Elke Loeschner; Wolfgang Thronicke; Dario Pietraroia; Giuseppe Landolfi; Alessandro Fontana; Manuel Laspalas; Jibinraj Antony; Valerie Poser; Tamas Kiss; Simon Bergweiler; Sebastian Pena Serna; Salvador Izquierdo; Ismael Viejo; Asier Juan; Francisco Serrano; André Stork

    In: Array, Vol. 14, Page 100176, Elsevier, 7/2022.

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union


Horizon 2020

EU - European Union