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Project | DKT

Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien

Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien

The project “Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien” (DKT, Digital Curation Technologies) involves four Berlin-based companies (ART+COM AG, Condat AG, 3pc GmbH and kreuzwerker GmbH) and the DFKI Language Technology Lab. The two-year project started in September 2015 and aims at supporting highly complex digital curation processes carried out by knowledge workers through robust, precise and modular language and knowledge technologies. Eventually, we will be able to combine these into workflows for the efficient processing, creation and dissemination of various types of digital content. DFKI will contribute language and knowledge technology components and develop them further. Together with the four SME partners, DFKI will integrate them into a Platform for Digital Curation Technologies, which offers language and data-aware services such as, among others, search, analytics, re-combination (e.g., thematic, chronological, spatial) and summarisation.

The SME partners will contribute their respective sector-specific expertise: ART+COM provides specialised services for the planning, construction and implementation of interactive show-rooms and museum exhibits. Condat is a software company that, among others, delivers planning and production software to television stations and newsrooms. 3pc is a digital agency that builds information systems for clients, among others, for public and cultural institutions (e.g., archives and libraries). Kreuzwerker is concentrating on content management systems for publishing and media companies.

The four SMEs correspond to four different sectors that all come with their specific needs and requirements regarding the set of digital curation technologies to be used by knowledge workers in these four sectors. In the runtime of the project, prototypes will be implemented to showcase these use cases and to demonstrate how language and knowledge technologies can be used in typical digital curation workflows.


  • DFKI GmbH, Forschungsbereich Sprachtechnologie, Berlin
  • ART+COM AG, Berlin
  • Condat AG, Berlin
  • 3pc Neue Kommunikation GmbH, Berlin
  • kreuzwerker GmbH, Berlin


All publications
  1. Editorial

    Georg Rehm; Daniel Stein; Felix Sasaki; Andreas Witt

    In: Georg Rehm; Felix Sasaki; Daniel Stein; Andreas Witt (Hrsg.). Language Technologies for a Multilingual Europe. Pages 1-4, Translation and Multilingual Natural Language Processing, ISBN 978-3-946234-73-9, Language Science Press, Berlin, 6/2018.

Funding Authorities

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Unternehmen Region – Wachstumskern-Potenzial

BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research