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Project | EIT-AR

Augmented Retail (AR)

Augmented Retail (AR)



The Augmented Retail project, a joint effort of DFKI (Germany), SAP (Germany), VividWorks (Finland), and the University of Paris-Sud (France), brings a novel service to the retail market providing retailers and their employees with augmented in-situ analytics that connect separate data sources in order to improve previous manual labor (e.g., inventory control, product placement and optimize shelf layout).

The project will bring to the market a new product for unique, valuable and advanced retail analytics that link separated data sources of a retail market and give the retailer powerful insights at hand. In particular, we transfer the advantages of augmented reality to the physical retail store for in-situ data visualization. The retailer and the employees can access necessary information in a comfortable and flexible manner in order to simplify manual labor and other tasks.

This activity has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.


  • DFKI (Germany)
  • SAP (Germany)
  • VividWorks (Finland)
  • University of Paris-Sud (France)

Funding Authorities

EU - European Union

EIT Digital

EU - European Union