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Project | Förderprogramm THESEUS_MED_LT

Support Program Theseus Medico Use Case

Support Program Theseus Medico Use Case

The vision of the application scenario MEDICO is: Establishing of image syntax and semantics based on image vocabularies to build an intelligent scalable robust search engine for the medical domain, with applications in Clinical Decision Support and Computer Aided Diagnosis.

In MEDICO a universally usable search engine for medical images will be created. It will permit direct semantic access to medical image databases to support individualised diagnoses and therapy plans, as well as biomedical and epidemiological research. The target group consists of physicians, researchers and application developers in the area of medical informatics and healthcare IT.

Publications about the project

  1. Extraction de concepts et relations sémantiques à partir des labels d'ontologies

    Thierry Declerck; Piroska Lendvai

    In: Sylvie Després; Natalia Grabar (Hrsg.). Acquisition et modélisation de relations sémantiques. International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence (TIA-09), Atelier sur l' Acquisition et modélisation de relations sémantiques, located at 8ème conférence internationale Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle, November 18-20, Toulouse, France, IRIT, 11/2009.
  2. Semantics and CBIR: A Medical Imaging Perspective

    Xiang Sean Zhou; Sonja Zillner; Manuel Möller; Michael Sintek; Yiqiang Zhan; Arun Krishnan; Alok Gupta

    In: Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR), July 7-9, Niagara Falls, CA, Canada, 2008.


BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

BMWi - Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology